Jonah Hill’s Netflix Doc: ‘Stutz” 

Recently Jonah Hill celebrated the gift of therapy with his Netflix documentary ‘Stutz’ which chronicles his journey through therapy and his friendship with Phil Stutz co-author of The Tools. This film was intended to highlight the benefits of psychotherapy and celebrate the teachings of Dr. Stutz. Personally, I think the documentary was low on practical advice for the average person, but it did highlight one very important factor that affects therapy outcomes. That will be the topic of today’s video, can we have a therapist who is also our friend?

Therapeutic Alliance and Why It’s so Important 

This documentary raises many questions for someone who has been in both roles as therapist and patient. Time and time again we see that the most important factor in psychotherapy outcomes is the strength of the therapeutic alliance. The therapeutic alliance is a working relationship between the patient and their therapist that allows them to work together on established goals of therapy. 

To me this comes down to how much do you like, trust, and feel comfortable opening up to the therapist. When we like someone and feel-good talking to them, we feel better regardless of what type of therapeutic techniques they use. Research has suggested that the quality of this relationship is a reliable predictor of positive clinical outcomes independent of the psychotherapy approach used. I remember in training hearing many of my psychotherapy preceptors make similar statements. Jonah Hill did a wonderful job of demonstrating the power of this alliance throughout the film. For me this was the big takeaway, considering Stutz is not a traditional psychotherapist.

Having a Therapist as Your Friend

I do not believe it’s ever a good idea to become friends with a patient. There are reasons we do not accepts gifts from patients, hangout with them outside of the assigned appointment times, or have romantic relationships. These to me are boundary crossings which will interfere with the work. Yes, in the case of this film it all worked out fine, at least that’s what they want you to believe. It did not appear that Hill had fully come to terms with his past, or unstable self image. He still seemed vulnerable and is possibly worse off as he’s come to depend on the relationship with Stutz for relief.

The goal of any good therapist should to teach our patients to become their own therapist. To use and apply the skills learned in the work of therapy, not to come for some friendly advice or a chat like old college buddies. The therapist is there to help guide the work in a warm empathetic way that allows the patient to take control of their life.

What Makes Stutz a Good Therapist?

It’s very difficult to make a blanket statement about how good Stutz is as a therapist. For Hill, he helped him process some very difficult work including making peace with his brother’s untimely death and working on self-esteem and body image. Stutz is honest, warm, and empathetic during his encounters. He knows how to push sensitive buttons in a playful manner and can establish a strong therapeutic alliance. These are things any aspiring psychotherapist can and should learn to use.

Some Things That Are Not So Good

When you start psychotherapy with any patient you must establish a therapeutic framework where the work of psychotherapy will be carried out. While I believe there is a loose framework established in the film it doesn’t appear to be well developed. This opens the door for boundary crossing which you as the therapist might not be aware is occurring because the frame is so weak. He also relies on self-developed Tools that aren’t validated by scientific evidence and appears at times as an authority figure giving out life advice. Advice can be useful in supportive psychotherapy, but most patients will not follow advice alone. Is this entirely bad? No, but it might not work for most patients unless you share the same feelings for the therapist as Hill does. 

Therapist Reputation and Outcomes 

Sometimes a therapist will develop a reputation as being “good.” Clearly, in celebrity circles Stutz has that reputation. When a new patient comes there is a belief that this therapist has access to special knowledge or skills that cannot be had any other way is already established. I do not think the tools as presented in the book/film are groundbreaking or things people have not heard before. In the film Stutz words are seen as absolute truth and there is full buy in from Hill which is probably why he felt better. While his tools are developed from his clinical practice, they are not validated scientifically. In place of science, we have a charismatic therapist asking for full faith in a program with no scientific validity. For some this approach clearly works, but it’s not because the tools are any better than other techniques used in psychotherapy. 

Final Thoughts

I really Like Stutz and I do believe there are people that would benefit from his approach to therapy. However, the main benefit would not come from the tools he teaches because they are largely similar to other techniques and not scientifically validated. What you would benefit from in this brand of therapy is a warm, emphatic, and charismatic listener with some good advice if you’re willing to take it. After all, maybe that is really where the magic of therapy comes from anyway.

Introduction to Mindfulness

Mindfulness never struck me as something I could see myself doing on a regular basis. For many years, I viewed the practice as something for “enlightened people” with no practical application for the average person. As the years went on and the research continued to pile up in the literature, I decided to try it out. 

There are two basic ideas to keep in mind during meditation practice. We are not aware of how our body is feeling, and we are not aware of the constant stream of thoughts occurring all day long. By bringing attention to these two things we can begin to take control of our bodies and our minds.

The process is very simple and can be performed from most locations. Ideally you want a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for 10-15 minutes. I personally like the 10-minute mediation session, and it works well if you have a busy schedule. 

To begin the process, find a chair, preferably one you can sit upright in with your feet on the floor and back straight. I like to rest my hands on my legs.

I begin the process with my eyes open, and a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. On the 5th breath I close my eyes. I return to my normal rate and rhythm of breathing in through the nose and back out through the nose. 

Next I begin the process of performing a body scan. I like to start at the head and work my way down to the toes, noting any discomfort or tension. I will also take note of areas on the body the fell relaxed and tension free. This should take 1-2 minutes. 

If at any point thoughts pop into your head, it’s fine let them come but most importantly let them go. Do not dwell on any one particular thought, just allow them pass. 

The next step is a series of breathing exercise I learned several years ago. Start with 10 breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, counting each one. Then perform 10 breaths in through the nose and out through the nose, again counting each one as you go. Finally, take a breath in through the nose, hold it for 5 seconds, and release it slowly through the mouth to a count of 4. This sequence of breathing exercises should be performed two times for a total of 60 breaths. This will take approximately 5-7 minutes. 

For the final 1-2 minutes do not count or breath in any particular manner just allow the mind the space to think about anything it wants to. After a minute or two bring the focus back to the body, feel the feet on the floor, and arms on you lap. Open your eyes slowly, and sit for a minute to think about what you are grateful for before starting your day. It’s an excellent way to practice some gratitude. 

The more you practice this technique the easier it will be for you. As the days go on you will experience more control over both your body and your mind. 

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